EmmeReports Photo Collection: AW-139 in flight over the Mediterranean Sea


EmmeReports Photo Collection: AW-139 Nemo in Flight over Mediterranean Sea

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On 11 April 2013, Francesco Militello Mirto has realized this photo during a training mission with the Helicopters Squadron of the Italian Coast Guard.

The Italian Coast Guard’s AW139s feature a wide range of mission equipment including an external rescue hoist, cargo hook, wire strike protection system, search/weather radar, marine band and satellite communication systems, high definition Forward Looking Infra-Red / Low Light TV (FLIR/LLTV) system, mission console with high definitions displays, Optical Proximity LiDAR System (OPLS), full Night Vision Goggle (NVG) capability, new generation Trakka searchlight, emergency floatation system and external life rafts. The AW139 design incorporates a large spacious cabin for the crew, equipment and survivors accessed by two large sliding cabin doors.